
Adam’s Touch is all about connecting the vast world of the interwebs with the thoughts and feelings of Adam Stanley (that’s me). I once had a blog purely called ‘Adamstouch.com’ but, I might as well be honest, I didn’t pay the hosting fees for Year Two, so it got shut down.

I recently had surgery and was off work for two weeks. Given this plethora of time, I figured I could bring back the blog, all be it on a simpler, more basic scale.

My friend Matt also has a lovely quote which I’ve always appreciated. “If you’re unemployed, you might as well write a blog.” This kind of was along those lines. Still provided me with inspiration.

I want to use this space as almost a ‘Tumblr’ type spot; quick posts, videos, reactions, and commentary about things that interest me.

For now, I’ve got the ‘ABOUT’, ‘RESUME’, and ‘CONTACT’ sections all complete (you know, the boring sections)…but definitely check out ‘ABOUT’ to learn a little bit more about me.

More to come. Enjoy.

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